TryHackMe - tomghost
Free Room
AcousticGirl March 14th, 2022
IP =
- Enumeration
- Rustscan w/ nmap
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.8 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 2048 f3:c8:9f:0b:6a:c5:fe:95:54:0b:e9:e3:ba:93:db:7c (RSA) | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQvC8xe2qKLoPG3vaJagEW2eW4juBu9nJvn53nRjyw7y/0GEWIxE1KqcPXZiL+RKfkKA7RJNTXN2W9kCG8i6JdVWs2x9wD28UtwYxcyo6M9dQ7i2mXlJpTHtSncOoufSA45eqWT4GY+iEaBekWhnxWM+TrFOMNS5bpmUXrjuBR2JtN9a9cqHQ2zGdSlN+jLYi2Z5C7IVqxYb9yw5RBV5+bX7J4dvHNIs3otGDeGJ8oXVhd+aELUN8/C2p5bVqpGk04KI2gGEyU611v3eOzoP6obem9vsk7Kkgsw7eRNt1+CBrwWldPr8hy6nhA6Oi5qmJgK1x+fCmsfLSH3sz1z4Ln | 256 dd:1a:09:f5:99:63:a3:43:0d:2d:90:d8:e3:e1:1f:b9 (ECDSA) | ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBOscw5angd6i9vsr7MfCAugRPvtx/aLjNzjAvoFEkwKeO53N01Dn17eJxrbIWEj33sp8nzx1Lillg/XM+Lk69CQ= | 256 48:d1:30:1b:38:6c:c6:53:ea:30:81:80:5d:0c:f1:05 (ED25519) |_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGqgzoXzgz5QIhEWm3+Mysrwk89YW2cd2Nmad+PrE4jw 53/tcp open tcpwrapped syn-ack 8009/tcp open ajp13 syn-ack Apache Jserv (Protocol v1.3) | ajp-methods: |_ Supported methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS 8080/tcp open http syn-ack Apache Tomcat 9.0.30 |_http-title: Apache Tomcat/9.0.30 | http-methods: |_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS |_http-favicon: Apache Tomcat Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Services of Note: SSH DNS? Apache Jserv Apache Tomcat 9.0.30
- Rustscan w/ nmap
- Web Site
- Standard Tomcat installation page, no robots.txt or subdirectories.
- Metasploit
- searched for jserv and it returned 1 module. Ran the module and obtained credentials:
- searched for jserv and it returned 1 module. Ran the module and obtained credentials:
- SSH’d in using credentials found in Step 3.
- Obtained User flag in /home/merlin/user.txt -
- Exfiltrated credential.pgp and tryhackme.asc via bash TCP connection to use
- PGP Key (part 1)
- Tried to import tryhackme.asc but it required a password.
- Previously discovered credentials did not work.
- John The Ripper
- Updated John
- Used gpg2john on tryhackme.asc for password
- password is
- PGP Key (part 2)
- Imported PGP key with password found in step 6
- decoded credential.pgp with key/password from step 5-6
- obtained merlin’s credentials
- Priv Esc / SSH (part 2)
- Logged in as
user with password recovered in step 7 - Ran
sudo -l
to ascertain if merlin has sudo privs and he does! ```shell merlin@ubuntu:~$ sudo -l Matching Defaults entries for merlin on ubuntu: env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin
User merlin may run the following commands on ubuntu: (root : root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/zip ``` - Merlin can sudo the zip program with no password - Looked at Zip in GTFOBins and see Sudo listed - Tried Zip Sudo exploit and got root
- Logged in as
- Root Flag
- obtained root flag in /root/root.txt
- obtained root flag in /root/root.txt
Written on March 14, 2022